Tuesday, January 1, 2013

the year the world didn't end

2012 was a good year for the harrisons. nothing changed- that's why it was so great. 2011 gave us a graduation, new jobs, a house, and a baby. 2012 gave us none of that [thank goodness - i had enough change for a year]. it was the year i did gain some great new mom friends, the year the colicy baby landon turned into the cranky toddler landon. the year justin settled into his job & became a big dealio. the year i settled into momhood and rocked a swagger wagon. i hate to get all mooshy gooshy but we have been so blessed this year. we have such a nice home full of nice things. we got a new car at an amazing deal. justin got a raise at work. landon is funner then ever. we are all healthy. every night when i pray and i thank hf for all that we've been blessed with, i feel so unworthy for all that we've been given. like we aren't good enough people for what we have. i guess i need to try harder to be a person worthy of all i've been given.
landon resolves to eat more candy and specifically chocolate - a guy after my own heart

ugh- i hate getting mushy. it's just the worst.

how my nye went. i didn't take a pic
of me eating leftover popcorn in my
jammies watching switched at birth.
thought that would be too depressing.
so this year in a recap - january landon & i went on his first trip to utah and he did as good as you could expect. february i gained mom friends and started play group several times a week. i also officially quit my job and become a full time stay at home mom and have decided i'm never going back. march was full of game nights and landon turned 6 months. april i officially gained a nephew. may i started weight watchers and threw my first shower of the year. we also went to utah again and it was the worst ever. june i started a book club which has miraculously survived and is the highlight of my month. i also threw my second shower of the year. july i did so good on the ww wagon and august i had a fabulous girl trip with my sisters. september i threw my third shower and landon turned one in style. october i finally saw wicked and landon turned to the dark side. november i turned 26 and we went on a fabulous vacation to sf and down the ca coast. december i threw a ward christmas party and had a fun stayaction for our sparkelversary.

and my resolutions from last year - i had 10 last year.  one i accomplished for a few months until landon wouldn't let me anymore. one i didn't even attempt. one i knew would never happy. one i did the exact opposite. one i'm super awesome at and one i'm super horrible at still. and one i'm not sure if i've accomplished but i'm continually working on. i guess i resolve to do all of the above for 2013....again. maybe the same ole, same ole. lose weight, exercise more, read my scriptures more, be less judgy [bc i am SUCH a judger. sorry guys, i know it's wrong].
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