meghan is not at all gaudy in her girl taste [like me] but very elegant and simple. she was not at all particular about the theme or even the elements of her shower. together we came up with a tea party "sip & see" theme. we custom ordered our invitations from this etsy shop and absolutely loved how it turned it.
she also made me gorgeous 'thank you' and 'drink me' tags. for the decorations, i used a 'love' and 'baby' banner i made for this shower- when i made those, i also made a 'taylor' one out of burlap. i found the heart-lace banner & the mini white puffs at michaels on clearance and with a coupon- i think i paid about $6 for both of them. i also printed out plenty of pictures a mutual friend of ours took the week before. in case you don't remember, she took my maternity pictures at the same location [calico basin in red rock- where we also took our bridals]. i also purchased a mini tea set that doubled as a gift at walmart for about $10 and found two tea pots at di for less then $3 for both. i wanted to decorate in tea pots and even serve in them but alas, we couldn't find any and didn't know anyone with them. i also made this adorable tea pot sign i found at michaels and purchased with a coupon.
for the food, i had my fabulous friend holly help me. she's a super fancy & fabulous cook. she made ham & egg cups, sticky buns, creme filled strawberries, and we had some fruit, great harvest bread, honey butter and jam out [all from 'our best bites' aka our favorite cookbook]. for the drinks i made this delicious strawberry slush drink i made for whitney's shower a while back- seriously the best drink ever. no, i'm serious. the best. i forgot to take a pic of the food table so just imagine it being fabulous.
for the thank you gifts, we had a cookie bar! steven's little sister was super excited to help out with the shower so i thought this would be a good [fail-safe] way for her to contribute. check out these super fabulous cookies holly made- again from 'our best bites'- [they're new cookbook is coming out in september- available at every walmart and sam's club- i am beyond ecstatic!] unfortunately, no one seemed to take cookies with them! but a super cute idea.
for the games/activities we had a make your own onsies bar- again, something almost no one did. i tried my hardest to make that ugly-proof and that didn't quite happen but there were tons of cute ones. read my tutorial for them here. for the shower games [and i am a HUGE shower game lover] i created a booklet. if you remember, i made them for mine as well- i am a HUGE booklet lover as well. i hate it when you go to a shower and you have tons of paper, things are disorganized and not cute. and i failed to get a picture of that too- and i already deleted the file. but believe me, it was awesome. inside i did games such as 'match the baby to it's mama' and used unusual baby animal names, 'guess which baby' and had tidbits from steven & meghan's baby years, 'how well do you know pregnant meghan' with questions about her now, 'match the crazy celebrity baby name to the parents' and my favorite, 'what does steven know'. steven is quite the character so i video taped him and had meghan answer the questions before we got his reply. i asked questions like what is this called [a nasal aspirator aka the booger sucker], what temperature do you call the dr, what can't babys eat, etc.
we ended up having so much fun! there were probably around 20 ladies there, so a lot for my house but WAY better then my sister's where we were OVERFLOWING with people and hoodlum kids. meghan got lots of loot so it was worth it. highlight: landon getting his first kiss from sage. it was the CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD! she puckered up her lips, leaned in and went for it. it was in slow motion too- seriously so adorable. lowlight: i forgot to take good pictures of meghan with all her guests one by one or even a picture with her and me or our friends. thankfully, meghan is not a huge picture person.

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