Monday, September 13, 2010

snapshots of things i love this week

my magic beans
my dad gave me some bean seeds. i grew them from a tiny ziplock into these monsters- these pictures are taken 2 days apart- can you believe how fast they've grown? they're MAGICAL

this is the dog that followed me home from the gym. he played coy with me (much like snickers- man i have a habit of trying to steal the animals in my complex) so i fed him water. he left as mysteriously as he appeared.

storm drain kittens
meghan has spotted some neighborhood storm drain kittens living a block from our house. i've tried to flee from our home many, many times to capture them and smother them with love but justin always catches me. this is the can of tuna meghan & i left for them- we came back a while later and it was empty but i forgot to take a pic of that.

robin sparkles
this weekend we had a couple group date to play some mini golf then menchees froyo- this is what i found written on the wall in the back. coincidence? i think not. this was the universe's way of saying that someone in canada loves me.

i have been blessed with so many friends that are there right when you need them. the bestest of my friends live in california, cedar city, salt lake, but not in vegas. so i'm grateful for quick trips to said places to see my hoes. in the different area codes.
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