Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 - the year my hopes & dreams died

ugh, i guess now i have to face the music that my 2016 resolutions didn't go exactly as planned. i should really set the bar lower. like, hopping height low. that was my problems- i expected too much of myself. it didn't help that 2016 was basically the worst year ever. so i'm rewriting 2016 resolutions and i feel pretty good about them.

1- keep the kids alive. all 3 of them.
2 - help stimulate the economy by keeping kirkland's diapers in business
3 - save gas and go to the temple whenever your mom is in town. except when you guys are busy having fun.
4 - have a better marriage then you did at the beginning of 2016, even with the obvious absence of dates or couple home evening.
5 - run on the treadmill when you go to the gym, unless you're really tired, then you can go medium speed on the gazelle while you watch kimmel clips.
6 - listen to music daily. some of that can be piano music.
7 - try to do your mom's interview until life gets too hard. then just talk to her on the phone.
8 - read your own scriptures and try to read them with your kids. and give yourself a break.

sounds good right?

2016 started off with a tree falling on my house - literally. on my anniversary. that just kind of set the tone of the year. lots of awesome things happened too but it's kind of fun jumping on the 'hate 2016' bandwagon. there's just been a lot of car issues, medical issues, surgeries, setbacks, unmet expectations, and disappointments. that's life right? 2017 is going to be the year of melissa though! i can feel it! 2017 i'm getting back to basics


i'm going to eat better. i'm going to pray better. i'm going to love more. i'm going to read my scriptures, go to the temple; make my spirituality a priority. i'm going to eat better, eat less, and make some healthy body changes. i'm going to love myself, love my family, love my friends. i'm going to criticize less, be more forgiving, and love life.

and i really want to learn to write in calligraphy. STAY TUNED!

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1 comment:

KinderTeach said...

Maybe you can take lessons from Ted Mosby.
Each year you are a better you. Can't ask for much more. Love you and missed you this week.

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