my last full week in carson, holly and charlotte came to visit us. we have been looking forward to their visit for months and planning fun activities for us. unfortunately, the weather didn't have the same plans. they drove up monday so when they finally got into town, all charlotte wanted to do was run around so we just hung out at my house. tuesday morning landon woke up bright and early at 5am so he went down for a nap right when charlotte came over. after quick nap, we all bundled up in the car, picked up sandwiches and headed to tahoe. we usually go to south tahoe but this time we went east near incline village to sand harbor beach. i've heard it's the most beautiful beach with actual sand. the drive there was a lot nicer with views of lake tahoe. we had to pay to get in, which would have been worth it had the wind not been going out of control. it was incredibly beautiful but kinda chilly with the wind. our picnic was nice enough with visits from birds and 'hops' [squirrels which landon called bunnies]. the kids played in the sand; some liked it more then others [charlotte doesn't like it on her feet like any good woman]. we didn't stay too long because of the wind and charlotte was getting tired. once back in town, we grabbed slurpees and let the kids play the night away. landon could NOT keep his lips off charlotte. seriously, i suggested it once and then he just kept grabbing her and signing 'more! more!'. she does not feel the same way. i guess the zobrist curse survives another generation.

the second day of her trip we took the kids to the discovery museum in reno. i have wanted to go there since i heard about it [since i am a giant fan of museums that are more playgrounds then boring art]. it was so much fun! the first thing you see when you walk in is a airplane the kids can climb in and move the tail rudders [or whatever they're called]. and you guessed it, that's all he wanted to do. the whole time. they had a huge 'cloud' that was a netted staircase/climbing thing that looked super fun, a nevada section, an energy section and water place. the kids mostly stayed in the toddler zone which was fun except landon kept screaming for the airplane, of course. we had a great picnic in between playtime and had such a great time, until charlotte lost it [granted, it was nap time and she was completely out of her element. poor girl]. landon was tired too- so the kiddos slept the way home. we dropped off holly and charlotte for nap/quiet time at their hotel then later went to the park and olive garden for dinner. the next day we got to play for a little bit then they headed home. it was so nice to have friends! poor landon has been super attached to everyone who he sees lately because he's been so lonely. for the next week he kept asking for char-char. what can i say? he's a sucker for a pretty face.
1 comment:
Lake Taho sure is pretty. Love the pictures. Also, Abby loves giving kisses to other kids too. We better keep our eyes on them over the 4th!
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