i really wasn't planning on writing a post for mother's day - you know how i hate trite posts but this one just kinda jumped up on me yesterday. i am so, so thankful for my mother - and i'm so thankful i get to be a mother. when i think about all my mom has given up over the years and all she went through for us 6 kids, it just astounds me. i am no where near as selfless as her. she made me who i am today and continually inspires me to be the person she knows i can be. sometimes i get sad for some things that have happened to her and i get angry that she couldn't have everything she deserves, but that wasn't the plan for her. i'm so thankful for the gospel that teaches us that this life isn't the end - and one day, she can have all that she deserves. aside from justin and landon, my mom is my person [and let's be honest, i prefer her sometimes over them]. she's the first person i want to call with good news, the person i want to cry to on the phone, and the one who i know will understand me. i have not always been the favorite child; i too went through a phase of rebellion and brattiness but now i can confidently say i am her favorite [and don't you forget it shannon!]. my mom means the world to me and i don't think i could ever live without her.

that being all gooshily said [man, i am gagging], i love being a mom. it is what i was meant to do. it's what i've always wanted to do. i want to be there for everything in landon's life. i want to be the one that they lean on and they consider their person. and right now, i am that person to landon. i know it makes justin a little sad when landon refuses to hold his hand and only wants mommy, but i am loving it - because i know it won't last. i try to cherish those moments of cuddling and kisses, those times when he's begging for one more book or sweet talking me into giving him a cookie [it usually works]. he is my everything. i couldn't live without him either- except i know one day i'll have to let go [let's not talk about that]. i know a lot of people who i am friends with feel this same way, but not everyone. it's not easy being a mom. you give up so much, but really, it's not a sacrifice at all. my body is used to waking up at 5:30 now, i don't mind eating chewed up food or wiping stinky butts. i love reading books over and over again and i don't even mind my new body. he is worth that and more. being a mom has changed me into a better person. i love this quote from general conference.
i am so thankful for a day that makes me stop and remember these women in our lives who gave up everything to give us the world. i love you mom. and landon, i am so grateful i get to be yours.
Mel, you aren't as selfless as Mom. You are well on your way though. In 5 kids and 35 years, I have no doubt you will be a remarkable woman. You have changed so much from the cute little Mowgli to the bratty teenager, to the self involved young woman, to a caring and loving mom.
Happy Mother's Day to a fantastic mom!
Motherhood does change you. It's so true how all the sudden priority change and wiping a smelly bum and walking around with sticky shirts is fine and normal. Even welcomed! Happy Mothers Day!
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