saying goodbye to our grandmas, stopping for breakfast at tonopah, and arriving in carson. oh and my favorite place along the way - dead tree forest [not it's real name] |
our last day in the 702 was horrible - just horrible. i had been packing for a week then planned on just cleaning my last day and hanging with my friends. well justin, bless his heart, had different ideas. i killed myself cleaning the house then went over to my friends for a much needed relief. but then we had some car issues- we had our car serviced days previously and had a bad experience. then we discovered something was broken and was told it was under warranty [plus they broke it]. on the day we were leaving, i dropped it off [at the dealership no where near my house], attended a gymboree class [which was so much fun! but man, so expensive. i only tried it because i had a coupon for a free class. landon was NOT a fan. he freaked out and clung to me. the whole time. that kid, such a scardy cat] then went back. at this point landon was so tired and cranky and it was freezing. i go in and the stupid sales guy had lied to us and was charging us for the repair. i was not in a place where i could argue with him. so after waiting 20 min waiting to check out, i refused to sign the paperwork because he lied [and never told me it would cost money, so he did a repair without my approval] and threw a fit. eventually i paid the money and stormed out and the guy followed me to the car. now me, i'm not one for confrontation. so i was still being cordial to him but blew him off [the next day he called and offered to refund me the money. ya that's what i thought! i'm NEVER going back to the cadillac dealership].
our first meals - delicious spaghetti & garlic bread, ranch style chicken courtesy of pioneer woman & a new version on cabbage, so delicious. and some steak fajitas with zucchini in it- i know! zucchini! who would have known? i had it in a restaurant and it blew my mind. |
so i get home after this horrible, no good incident after fighting 5pm traffic and landon had fallen asleep [finally] in the car. but we got home and had to park out front because justin was loading the car. so i had to wake up the sleeping giant- horrible, horrible news. the next few hours were a blur of packing, a screaming kid, and running around with my head cut off. oh and our wonderful family stopping by to say goodbye. add some dominos pizza and then a HORRIBLE situation that has made me realize that leopard's can't change their spots [sorry for the vagueness but it's a must- i'll happily tell you not in a public forum]. we didn't go to bed until after midnight- only to wake up at 3:30am to drive in the freezing cold to carson.
we had to be in carson by 2pm and justin gets super antsy when it comes to driving so we pulled out of vegas at 4:30am. landon thankfully slept til tonopah where we had some breakfast but it was pretty scary. it was still dark outside and there had been a huge storm that passed through so roads were snowy. justin was pulling a uhaul trailer so we got there about 30 minutes before him, just enough time for breakfast and to get rid of the wiggles. after that i put on finding nemo which landon tolerated for 15 minutes then screamed himself back to sleep. when he woke up he happily watched baby einstein on repeat and ate snacks until carson. he did much better then expected so i can't complain. once we got to carson it was freezing and landon was cranky. we had to sign papers at the realty group and our lady was... incompetent and chatty. a horrible mix for this overtired and cranky toddler. he screamed and screamed there. once we got in the car to go to the house he zonked out for a good hour [which we left him in the car]. justin unloaded our car into our townhouse [which was DIRTY- like black tub DIRTY] which was not what we expected [they didn't post pictures online but had assured us it was modern, freshly painted and had new carpet. it had none]. oh and it was snowing. thankfully i have an amazing husband that let me stay in the car with landon and he moved most of our stuff in.
building forts with daddy, hating his puppy snow suit and riding his dump truck. with a dump in his pants. |
that night i spent over two hours trying to get our internet up and running. thankfully i have brilliant bald brother who helped me get it up and running [which i promptly named 'hide yo kids, hide yo wifi']. justin made an emergency trip to walmart for some tp and milk [he bought charmin. men, always going for the fancy stuff] in the snow and i ordered chinese off a yelp review [which i am 0 for 3 on for food]. landon did not sleep well that night and woke up screaming at 4am for over 30 minutes, in which i brought him to bed where he screamed for another 30 minutes [anyone else have a kid from the exorcist?]. so not the best 24 hours.
playing for 2 1/2 hours at the doctors - finding out that the baby einstein lady is also one of the mom's at baby einstein. being silly in his portacrib. this was a mad face but it was silly up to this point. |
now that we settled in a bit, it's not too bad. i love our ward, our townhouse is an upgrade [mind you, a SLIGHT upgrade] from our death apt from last session and i've already made a new friend! we even had dinner with them. i've got two play dates planned this week so things were looking up. then landon woke up with croup and we had to go all the way to reno to see a dr. but not before waiting 2 1/2 hours. at lunchtime.
ahhh enough complaining. i really am excited for carson and how things are going to go. a lot of friends and family are planning on visiting and i even found a class for landon to join. plus i got a sonic strawberry limeade for life is good.
1 comment:
Sounds like an awful start to carson, but that is great you already have friends! I knew you would!
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