Thursday, May 19, 2011

my big fat single life

did i somehow forget climbing into the delorean and getting transported back to 2004? somehow i'm back to square one watching NCIS and CSI and criminal minds and numbers and every other horrible old people show every night with my parents. really? this is where i end up at 24? sadness. as my dad says "why does your husband think he can knock you up then send you back home? i hope you brought payment - this hotel ain't free" [as you can tell, i'm openly welcomed back home anytime i want].

remember my big fat greek wedding? loved it. and my parents did too. in fact, they took every opportunity they could to remind me of one particular scene. [this is where i usually put in a picture of said scene but alas, my google skills are particularly lacking these days since my fbsing/blog-stalking time has reduced from 9 hours a day to 30 minutes - tragic right? don't worry. my fan's will not suffer from my current employment. but my shoe/purse/slurpee/donut fund thanks me].

remember when toula is in her pre-makeover phase and sits peanut butter style between her dry, day-old bread of a parents on the couch? that is me. my life has once again resorted back to this same scene, yet again. is that the real circle of life? you grow up only to become the old dudette who lives at home and has her mom fluff & fold her clothes every week? life. i think i need to start asking myself and make this my motto, what would seagal do? honestly, he would fly on an eagle, crash the front door, and rip his throat out and use it as a dream catcher then ride out on a polar bear.

21 weeks
anyways - enough depressing-pseudo-psychological stuff. first week at work down. i'm loving the work and really excited to start producing something other then an excess of pee & tears. the best thing is i get to see my man tomorrow and for him to see this gal/little man. and don't be fool by this pic- i'm really not that big but for some reason, wednesday i was HUGE! [and not pantless, for my fb fans who've already seen this]. some days i'm the cow and some days i'm the hippo- can't really pick.

side note: all of my work casual pants do not fit whatsoever so i really walk around with my pants completely unzipped all day. if i were a man, i'd be a flasher. and the world would be filled that much more luckier.
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Unknown said...

Who's Seagal? and I clicked on the link and still don't know. :)

Unknown said...

okay so instead of a post of waht my child says, you should do one of what my father has said. Really that man has come up with some classic lines. I am loving the prego belly btw

Sam and Caitlin Tappana said...

Uh oh...I watch some of those old people shows you mentioned....and I too am only 24. Great.

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