Monday, August 23, 2010

martha freaking stewart: re-vamp some old pillows

i don't claim to be martha freakin stewart, but i try my best. since my job is as interesting as a rock, i seem to find a lot of time on my hand to blogstalk. this has inspired me to be more crafty. now, i realize this isn't that big dealio of a craft, i am proud of it.

(spoiler alert- awesome craft coming as soon as i can get justin to help me finish it. so don't hold your breath)

since we moonlight as semi-professional couch potatoes (at night), our pillows get alot of usage. especially with our ever-flowing list of house guests. our pillows slowly collapsed into oblivion, looking like that

i had the brilliant idea to re-stuff them (i know, go me).

i used a seam-ripper at the edge where the manufacturer's last sewed it up so it would be seamless. make sure to be patient (which i am not) or else you can rip the pipping on the side. open about a 3 inch hole (for your hand to fit in).

push all the old stuffing to the bottom corners then put in new stuffing. the hardest part is to make it full (but not TOO full) and without lumps. it prob took about 3 min's each to work the stuffing just right. then pin in place.

sew where you ripped. i backspaced every centimeter or so, making sure to sew it nice and tight. pillows are tossed and punched so often, you don't want to risk it ripping open.

 see below a side-by-side comparison.
i know, i am the master.

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Unknown said...

Great work! You are a martha freakin stewart in the making! Now come do my pillows please! :-)

Mike + Mo said...

I have been trying to find cute fabric to make my own pillows... I'm jealous that you are actually doing it and I'm just talking about it. Kudos!

KinderTeach said...

When I called you Martha Freakin Stewart it wasn't for the pillows. Where are the pictures of the pictures you made?

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