Wednesday, August 25, 2010

you know you're married when

these past few day's justin & i have been busy with various shenanigans so we haven't had alot of time to ooze & gooze over each other (not that he's much of a oozer, but i sure am). then i realized how redick i am for not being to be without him for a few days-- i mean, i went 2 years (it was DEATH) -- i realized i am one of those poor (not monetarily) married folks who are a tad pathetic. you know the type- in case you don't...
[note: all of these don't necessarily describe MY marriage- but are collective ideas from fellow married folks]

you know you're married when

  • you get a blog (thanks stone!)
  • you leave ridiculously lovey (READ: disgusting for anyone who isn't yourself or your spouse) posts on their facebook wall, even though they are a few feet away.
  • vegetables become apart of your daily diet. by force.
  • privacy in the bathroom is no longer a necessity. [justin & i are adamant that this never happens to us]
  • good morning kisses are no longer minty fresh.
  • pajamas, sweatpants, sports bras, and baggy clothes are suddenly the most attractive piece of clothing you own.
  • your spouses' toots no longer gross you out, but are just background noise.
  • you start planning WHEN you are going to having kids. like you're a grownup!
  • someone knows all of your stories but still listens to them.
  • your mom no longer waits up for you to come home.
  • you put a curse on your husband for forgetting to take out the trash- for the 10th time!
  • you feel naked without your wedding ring.
  • chillaxing at home at night sounds a lot more appealing then hitting up the town.
  • episodes of modern family hit more close to home, esp claire & phil.
  • you miss planning a wedding so you secretly pick up a few more wedding magazines, blogstalk wedding blogs, or look at your wedding pics over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over...
  • you've gained the married 10lbs...or 15...or 20.
  • the thought of sleeping along makes you bawl like a little girl (kitty-cait, we've all been there)
  • going out isn't as fun as it was before because everything is suddenly twice as much as it was before.
  • the most exciting part of your day is when you try out a new recipe... and it's actually edible.
  • you start growing things in your need to mother.
  • every profile pic of yours is of you & your better half.
  • your birthday/christmas gifts become practical (like tires) and not fun & impractical (space boots)
  • the BOM-rule is no longer in effect (for my non-mormon friends: at youth dances, you have to keep far enough apart from your dance partner to prevent bump & grinding- as a joke, we refer to it as a Book of Mormon's length away).
  • you have hot-flashes of motherhood. one moment you want a baby and the next, you can't wait to give the snotty kid back to his real mom.
  • everything is a 'WE' situation. even pooping (not going to name this source- haha!)
  • when you call your mother, it's not to tell her of the exciting things in your life, but to ask how to make homemade chicken broth or to explain insurance policies to you.
  • nothing smells better than your husband after a night of playing basketball. nothing.
  • girls nights are no longer spontaneous but planned.
  • finding coupons create the same amount of glee as if you won the lottery.
  • you get a dog to placate your baby-hungry parents.
  • dinner table conversations sometimes lags....and that's ok.

  • you have never been happier than you are now.
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Marissa said...

You're a riot. Most of those are probably pretty true though.

Mike + Mo said...

Loved it. I will not say what applies to Mikey-Man and I tho. ;)

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