Friday, December 13, 2013

life lately: giving thanks

life lately has been trying out our new mini-kisses that really are too mini for my taste- so peanut butter cookies got three kisses. who doesn't like more chocolate? it's been landon looking fabulous [when we drive, he always complains that the sun is hurting his eyes....dramatic much? he has sunglasses he refuses to wear and will often throw so sometimes he just gets mom's]. it's been a little boy OBSESSED with bubble bath [aka, guggle bath] and asking for it morning/noon/night. and it's been a little boy who i had to bribe to put on dad's old overalls- spiffy right?
 thanksgiving was my favorite two big kids coming to visit and a trip to the springs preserve. landon just adores these two and they dote on him. however they did remind me how exhausting and annoying those pre-teen years can be.
 life lately was riding papa's tractor with the kids and having them all follow landon around, vying for his attention. it was a three-thanksgiving dinner feast and a very puffy mommy. it was some last minute tickets to 'evita' at the smith center with my favorite sister shannon and loving every second of it [we thought we had nosebleeds so i trudged my puffy legs all the way to the top, only to learn we were on the ground level, last row in the handicap section. best. seats. ever]. and it was more presents from grandpa dave, including a dusty and el chupacabra bath toys.
lastly, life lately was a visit from the slurpee fairy and a very grateful pregnant melissa. it was getting this gem of an email from my nephew, which wisely labeled the middle as a waste hole. i agree. it was a happy thanksgiving indeed.

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KinderTeach said...

The slurpee fairy will return in about a week. Thanksgiving was fun but I'm looking forward to having not such a rushed trip home. Love you baby sister.

Caitlin said...

Those cookies look delic. This nursing mama, who is 10x hungrier than when pregnant, wants to oink them. And I love those overalls and awesome. I wish I had some vintage clothing for my girls.

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