Monday, February 11, 2013

what we do all week in carson

this is what we do all week: we eat dinner with our laptop [i had paused HIMYM and someone was upset] because daddy is gone. we snuggle in our jammies/robe because waking up is really hard to do. oh and he picks his nose. 
we play with his new workbench his mema gave him for christmas [we waited to open it until we got here- thought it'd be fun and new for him here]. we play with the same puzzle over and over again- and he's gotten really good at it! we also make trips to the dollar store because we have nothing else to do-  and ride the carousel outside. landon was not impressed.
we go to the children's museum about two times a week- and someone loves to recreate big by stomping on the piano. we love to play with blankets- LOVE blankets- and usually pull them off and on over and over again. we sometimes get dressed up and go to church- usually on sundays. he loves nursery. sometimes dad even comes with us to the museum.
we like to go outside whenever it is sunny- and thank goodness for global warming, it has been quite warm lately. this is his hand he found outside our door. he's quite the wizard in training. we also go to the gym every morning- and i mean every morning [go me!]- and work on our fitness. here landon working on his fitness [what are those, five pounders? no, two and half. he's not going for bulk, he's going for tone. i read a lot at night in the bathtub, aka my only time alone. currently we're reading 'beautiful creatures' but this baby is up next. and sometimes we don't play outside, because it's so foggy we can't see outside our window.
and our favorite of all favorites, we facetime with people we love. we love to facetime grandma, but usually hang up on her. once we called taylor but she wasn't too interested- and neither was landon. but when we facetime charlotte, it's like the heavens open up. he LOVES charlotte. can't wait to see her!

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