*justin caught us both eating in the pic above- how embaressing. for the both of us. and justin refused to pose.
that afternoon we went swimming at mema's then while reading some stories later, landon felt abnormally hot so i took his temp and it was high so we snuggled [then i sadly left him for my book club- which was so much fun! but totally off topic of me being supermom] and i left him safely in daddy's arms while i left. sunday it was still high, about 102-104ish. i was always under the impression that if a baby's fever goes to 104, you to the hospital. i just HATE having sick babies on weekends, when you can't call the dr's office. i called the 24 hour advice nurse and she said only go to the hospital at 105 and just keep him cool, drinking, and taking tylenol. i ended up calling 2x sunday because i was so worried with how high it was going, esp when i noticed his left eye was red and puffy and his tooshie was sore and red. we tag-teamed church since we both have to teach.
come monday i called the dr first thing in the morning because his temp was so high and i got in with a different doctor at the same location [didn't like him- but he was available]. we collected a urine sample and advised us we might need a shot. after a nap with mommy in the bed, i ran back and returned the sample [after waiting 30 min] they told me landon would have to come back and get the shot after all [they found traces of blood in his urine] and we'd have to go to the lab for a blood sample.
luckily mema & lynsey came along for the blood & shot [which was horrible- i just died seeing him in so much pain]. he still had the fever until this morning, so 3 days and all the tests were inconclusive. pretty horrible- but i loved the snuggles. but hate having to hang out at home. today when i went to my mom's, i felt like the air was cleaner, the sun was brighter, greens were greener. i am not meant to be at home all day.
and the worst of all the worsts? worrying about your child. seeing them in pain is the most horrific feeling in the world. i remember when i was in labor, my mom kept saying how she hated seeing her baby in pain and wanted to push me off the table and have the baby for me. now i get that feeling. i literally stayed up for hours at night, thinking all of the horrible things that could be wrong with him. i never want to feel that again- but i know i will- that's life. i'm just grateful for each day he is healthy.

What a horrible few days. So glad he is feeling better. Sounds like a real trooper you have there. Poor little fella. :(
It's so scary when little ones get sick! Hope he's on the mend!
Oh and peee esss... I was just looking at this again and the picture of you eating looks similar to my ninja turtle eating mouth where we were all touching the trophy.
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