helen was pretty much me but older- and with more gray hairs. my family lovingly like to refer to justin and i as lenoard & helen in 50 years because i'm the coolest and he reigns me in [notice how i didn't use 'rain']. my grandma was many, many things and my mom had an interesting childhood to say the least.
my gparents lived in blanding, ut most of their life - aka the butthole of utah but it had the dollar and star store so things were schamny. i remember when it got its first fast food resturant- subway. i think there was a town parade. oh, and its got a stop light [kinda- it's just a single red flashing one to make sure people stop at the one stop sign]. i remember many a'summers there hanging with my gma. she was an excellent crochetter and would legendarily make quilts for her gkids [theres somewhere around 15...i think]. she even made me one for my graduation- no wedding one but i got her and my gdad's one which is special....and teal/gold. i remember driving with my counsins to montello to see 'the other side of heaven' and making fun of her relief society arms. she was quite the shopper too--well, she loved to shop. no matter where we went, she was always on the prowl. even when my aunt went to starbucks, she had to go and get herself a mug. and man could she wear those jiggy pants well [read: work-out pants].
helen was an amazing woman- she had five great kids, tons of grandkids, served two missions, and even had a turkey named after her- so how much more can you achieve in life? loved that lady and i will miss her.

1 comment:
She seemed like a really cute old lady. I'm sorry for your loss, and or the timing of it. Hang in there, Love ya!
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