Friday, January 14, 2011

Utah: Getting bigger and better.

Hello Blogging world! This is Mel's BFF8, Caitlin Tappana. Her and I are doing the old switcharoo on our blogs. She is posting on mine, and I on hers. So for her post, I'm blogging about reasons why her and Justin should move to Utah.
  1. One, and most importanlty, because I live here. Your life would be brighter, your days happier, the cold nights warmer, if you were closer to the kitty who is puuuuufect for you. Me.
  2. I hear the UofU has an excellent program in Justin's field.
  3. If you want a house, Utah is a great long term place to live.
  4. We get snow, real snow. And though that seems not so much fun, imagine with me if you will many nights of snowball fights.
  5. Utah has some pretty sights.
  6. Did I mention I lived here? LDR's have very little place in a relationship.
  7. Utah is CHUCK FULL of mormons. Utah mormons.
  8. You can ride trax downtown, and I've been known to have some fun riding it. (twss)
  9. We can hold hands and frollic just like the old days.
  10. Ummm...hello. Baby Bear will live here. Where would be the best place for the kids fairy mother than in the land of his or her birth?
  11. Double dates would be...epic.
  12. We could once again duel with our Maverick straws...and have people look at us like we've gone crazy.
  13. We could sing love songs to each other and wear matching outfits while doing so.
  14. You could better teach me how to french braid the front of my hair. Still can't get it down.
  15. They have a DOLLAR THEATER in Utah. Movies for a dollar? Yes. Yes they are real.
  16. HSM 3 while cleaning: Yes please! 
  17. And lastly, I live here. Your BFF8. Your half to your whole. The kitty to your wiskers. The tale to your happily ever after.
After that list, I can't figure out why you wouln't apparate up here now.
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