Thursday, August 12, 2010

the hump club

get your mind out of the gutter! i swear, you kiss your mother with those lips..... the hump club is the new title of the tapparrison/harripana gang. (i love inside jokes. i hope to be apart of one some day). our weekend was so bossume it should be on a postcard. or on a 'what-happens-in-salt-lake, you-can-tell your-family' ad. much like sevier county.

it all started with a stone.... jessica p. stoneman & company that is. stone, hailey james scott, & tiffaroni made a pit stop in our humble abode on their way to fabulous england. luckily, stonifer had exchanged some muggle money for some galleons with the kittycait. they promised to buy me a new wand at ollivander's (my maverick one has gone a little wonky). thank heaven for friends. friends + froyo friday thursday = happiness. saturday i had a date with the mumps to the temple while justin was at work then we left for SL,UT (i discovered this funny abbreviation about 2 trips ago and i can't seem to shake it). this trip was death- mainly because it was dark but it also rained which was quite terrifying. luckily my hunky husband kept me alert (TWSS).

my big sista let us crash at her apt which was awfully nice of her. luckily, i am her favorite sister (see proof).

the reason for our grand trip was to see justin's mission president, stevey-p, report. plus, i soon found out the the ulterior reason for a  mini-mission reunion- to display your current relationship status and see how hard you worked on your mission (for all my non-LDS friends: this is a common phrase heard around the mission - "the harder you work on the mission, the prettier your wife will be". thankfully, justin worked SUPER hard). seriously, we had a great time! it was fun to meet these faces i've seen in pictures and stories i've heard. president peterson, his wife, and son gave amazing talks. highlights: michael (15 yr old son who last lived in the states when he was in 4th grade) bore his testimony in spanish and when the RMs there sang "called to serve" in spanish.
the secondary (but just as important) reason for our trip was to see our besties, the tapparrisons. we got to chillax with them sun and visit raging waters water park monday. such a fun time! i soon discovered that justin has a secret passion for water parks- who knew? we didn't take in our cameras but the paparazzi was able to capture this tidbit of joy.

wow- they are all so photogenic. too bad the papz didn't get me...

another highlight of the trip- IKEA!!! justin has been dying to go to one for soooo long. i've only been once with my bestie kayla in death-california but i thoroughly enjoyed it so we made it a must-see. needless to say, i think justin built it up to be more awesome than it is, which he commonly does. what can i say? he's got some high expectations. ikea is pretty bossume though. here are some snippets of joy we took. best part? the 2 food courts. (2) .50 cent hotdogs + $1.50 cinnamon rolls = best $2.50 ever spent on a meal. 

our time flew by too quickly but we were also able to sneak in a zobrist sunday dinner (which can be a risky ordeal. luckily we are all brave of heart), a nice breakfast date with the thackers (justin's mission best friend & his wife amanda), a trip down seville lane to see my wonderful gdad and gma (mom's side), quick trip to 7-11 minus 18 with my favorite niece and nephew to texaco. great trip that ended too quickly. luckily our sore arms from the water park are here to remind us of joys past.

quick mention of my gparents. leonard and helen are the years past justin & melissa. everyone always says that we are similar in our relationships- i think this is somewhat of a jab to me as we all know helen can be a little coo-coo for coco puffs but i will take this as a compliment. my grandad is the most patient man (justin) and my grandma likes to shop and wear jiggy clothes (me). they are perfect for each other as are we. my grandad has had leukemia for the past few years and my grandma is slowing down so visiting them is always such a joy.

post note: i somehow hoodwinked justin into watching the harry potter movies (he had only seen the 1st one! which is, by far, the worst). i think i've got him hooked. mission accomplished. now i've got to figure out how to change his mind about twilight...
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Sam and Caitlin Tappana said...

I love our three faces. Perfect. And also, my chest looks like that of a 12 year old girl in the picture.

KinderTeach said...

While you are a young Helen, Justin is also a young Leonard. He gets his jabs in when you aren't looking. Leonard is every bit as much as CRAZY as his bride. Just shows it off a little different.
Plus, they drive each other crazy, but still love each other. EVEN after everything they have put each other through. What a legacy for you and HEY SAILOR, to live up to

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