Saturday, January 25, 2014

the last few days

we ended up staying in the hospital for an additional night then i originally wanted to [and then i did with landon]. i was really itching to go home but when my OB stopped by, she convinced me that it was best to stay another night. it ended up being the best thing- she really wanted me to take another day of me, letting others take care of landon and really focus on recuperating and getting porter to where he needed to be [weight and jaundice wise]. it turned out great because i got some time with a lactation specialist who really helped me a lot, my milk started coming in and porter gained the weight he needed to leave. thankfully i had an amazing support system of my mother, sister, and mother in law who were willing to help me out. 
on sunday morning they took my staples out [my OB is old school. the first time i had glue but she prefers stitches. i really wish she would have used glue. i feel like it's a bit more painful and doesn't look as nice but we'll see once i fully recover], porter's bilirubin levels came back normal and he gained an ounce. my nurse told me i had to start supplementing and i'm extremely glad to say he did not like formula, he didn't even like my pumped milk with a bottle. as my pediatrician said, 'he's a boobie man!'.
when we left the hospital, we went to pick up my prescriptions. turns out my doctor forgot to completely write instructions so they wouldn't give me my lortab- not ok when a hormonal woman just left the hospital after major abdominal surgery. luckily we got it all figured out that evening before i was in too much pain. we came home to a sleeping landon which was nice- i was able to eat some lunch, take a much needed shower and take a quick nap.
so far, everything has been nice as a family of four. landon has had some adjusting to do. he doesn't like taking turns or sharing us but he'll learn. i've really tried to make time alone with him special- a lot of book readings when i nurse or when he wakes up from his nap, playing outside and whatnot. we also already took porter's newborn photo shoot with my brother's girlfriend and i am super excited to see how they turned out. landon initially did not want to join in the pictures but angie was super amazing and convinced him to step in for a few. porter is amazing- he sleeps, he eats, he poops a whole bunch and i can't get enough of him. i can't imagine life without him. nothing makes me happier when i'm snuggling both of my boys.
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KinderTeach said...

I love that photo of him looking up at me. I already miss my Landon and Porterhouse. March can't come soon enough. You are a lucky and blessed woman.

Kari said...

Wow, he is a CUTE baby! I just love the pictures! And hooray for the good things you've got going!

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