30 weeks |
25 weeks |
thoughts about weight gain: i've always been a fluffy gal [as my grandma calls it] and i've been okay with that. but looking back at what i was before i got pregnant- i look so skinny [comparatively]. oh how i long to fit back into my capris or my favorite salmon t-shirt. pretty soon my feet are going to be puffier then a macy's day parade float so those are soon out the window [my heels have already gone] - thank goodness my purses always fit. in better news, my belly button is getting stretched out! justin used to call my belly button 'sticky' because it was deep. well now it's stretched out [not quite popped- my mom's didn't so we'll see if mine does. i'm hoping it does!] now and kinda goes in at an angle- kinda cool.
highlight of this month: i finally got recognized as pregnant! yes, my family and friends who know i'm with child al
ways remark on how big i'm getting or whatevs but a total stranger did it! i was about week 26 and had to visit the welfare office [stupid insurance] and some lady in front of my in the massive line noticed. the next day, the wal-mart clerk said something! just made my week. so moral of the story: ask complete strangers if they are with child. so what if they are just really fluffy; you could always make some pregnant lady's day. or get yourself punched- all in the name of kindness. oh, sidenote: i am now going to the dr every 2 weeks- exciting!
food i'm oinking on this month: bbq chips. one day at work i just had the urge so i bought myself a large bag and hid it under the bathroom sink. poor justin never even got a single chip. my slurpee intake has risen as well but that's partly due to my recent sickness [bronchitis]. i've also been into smores too with the holiday among us.
shenanigans of little baby named but not revealed: he is quite the ninja these days! not all the time but enough to get me annoyed at times. he still is quite shy whenever anyone touches my belly [a trait he inherited from justin bc we all know i have no boundaries]. it's so fun to see my belly jump sometimes when he kicks but defiantly weird when i feel him twist and turn. my doctor recently freaked the CRAP out of me- saying i have to start counting his kicks/hour. the nurse that gave us our hospital tour told me horror stories too about still-borns. so now i'm trying to be grateful for the annoying love kicks i get all the time.
how my life resembles a
Lane:I wonder if Blanket ever met Tom and Katie's baby, Pillow?
Rory: Yea that would be a perfect playmate.
Lane: When it's naptime they'd be totally set.
Rory: And then they could invite Gwenyth's Apple over for a little snack.
Lane: Banjo, Rachel Griffiths' baby could play for them
Rory: And then they could all jump into Mia Farrow's Satchel and make fun of...what's his face.
Lane: Oh Pilot Inspektor Lee! [i hope we don't have quite the mockery with our picked moniker...but knowing my family, we will]
LORELAI: This must be the place.
RORY: I think the balloons confirm it.
LORELAI: No pink, no blue.
RORY: All green. LORELAI: Aren’t baby shower balloons supposed to reflect the sex of the baby? Blue for boys, pink for girls.
RORY: You would think.
LORELAI: What’s green for, aliens?
LORELAI: What’s green for, aliens?
RORY: I’ll ask when I go in. [my baby colors are actually green and grey- so yes, i am having a little alien]
SHERRY: You have to give me your list of books, okay?
SHERRY: The ones that you read when you had Rory.
LORELAI: Oh, I see. Um, I think I was reading "Deenie" at the time. SHERRY: No parenting books?
LORELAI: Oh, I see. Um, I think I was reading "Deenie" at the time. SHERRY: No parenting books?
LORELAI: No parenting books.
SHERRY: Well, then where’d you get your information on child raising? Your mom? LORELAI: No, "For Keeps." Uh, Molly Ringwald, Randall Bantikoff, really underrated little post-John Hughes flick. She went to the prom fat. I found it really inspirational. [my current reads: the host, the mortal instruments series, and the conference edition of the ensign. in that case, my child will learn how to survive an alien invasion while harbor his supernatural abilities, all while serving a mission]
planning we did this month: we are officially pre-registered at the hospital and went on our hospital tour last week. i am delivering at centennial- they not only offer mama massages for free, but a post-baby celebratory steak/fancy food dinner- score! we are also registering at targets & babies R us [bring on the gifts people].
so did you really think i wouldn't say the baby's name? come one people- i keep a good secret about as good as lady gaga does 'normal'. and the baby's name shall be.....
landon justin harrison
[insert applause here]
Mel, you are seriously too funny! I love the name. I never really saw the point in keeping it a secret--unless I was bugged with my MIL and wanted to drive her crazy. All the pics in this post were primo. And i love when women all compare how much weight they gain. Who freakin' cares. Kelly Rippa gains a hundred pounds each time she gets pregnant. It's whatever your baby needs.
LOVE the name!:) And I didnt know GG was your favorite show too?? Why arent we best friends???
hahah u have the best blog to read! i love all the comics! and i stinking love gilmore girls! That episode was really funny as well! plus love love the name!!
15 pounds? That is crap. Every woman is different. And it's the best when people recognize you're pregnant. Wait till you get to the point where they say "You look about ready to pop." Also, I love the name, but i've said that before!!
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