stonifer- jessica p. freespirit stoneman, born the same day as my beloved, is a tall peanut blossom of love from the wondrous land of bountiful, utah. she specializes in all types of music (abba to zappa) & frowny faces. favorite quotes "you're a FREAK" and "you're a POOP". she is the inventor of GAL which she uses frequently to describe kittycaits & my relationship.
hours 1-6:
stone came into town about noon so we wined & dined (minus the wine) at heidi's brooklyn deli (my FAV) then clearance shopped it up. bought us some happenin clothes- old navy had a bossume sale (50% off clearance items). nice to have some girl advice shopping. then at home we chillaxed & watched 'leap year' (a miss) then went to the house of blues.
hours 7-8.5:
hours 8.5-9.5
waited an hour because the groupies couldn't figure out the piano. luckily, this provided ample opportunity for us to discover that justin & stone make the same classic grumpy smile. legendary.
hours 9.5-12
and the rock is on! they didn't chit-chat much but they sure knew how to rock it. highlight 3 {best part of the show-- the pianist rocked it harder than chris martin! i have a video but it takes forever to upload here}. they played some classics but sadly, didn't do spiralling. i was really hoping for a shout-out. previously in the day i tagged them on my tweet (i know, im a loser but this is what i do during the day. stalk celebrities), asking for a shout-out. justin beiber does it, so why not keane? second best part of the show? when some idiot bum-rushed the stage & got dragged off. classic. wish i had a pic of that.
hours 13-21
sleep. lots and lots of sleep from our dead-tired feet.
hours 22-23
made some delicious waffles, bacon, {a food group in the harrison household. along with sprinkles- the delicious sugar nuggets, not the cat} & eggs for the break in the fast. unfortunately my beloved hurt his knee a while back and all the standing at the concert hurt it even more so he was unable to attend.
hours 23-27
hours 27-29
hello slurpee! sat poolside & grooved to the ipod. life doesn't get better than this.
sadly, the time came for stoney to leave. my heart broke. everyone said that once we left school, we would drift apart. well, the jokes on you fellas. my college roommates were my bridesmaids in my wedding. i anxiously anticipate seeing their rock-hard bums slowly begin to sag & grey creep into their hair. we'll still be kickin' it old school for a long, long time.
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