Friday, July 30, 2010

advice from someone who KINDA knows

a pal from school recently asked me to give her some advice for soon-to-be married folk for an article in the byu magazine. quite a honor if i say so myself! not that i am all wise or full of wisdom, but experience with a mr. i do have. justin & i have been married for 7 months on monday & been together since the dawn of time....or 6 years in october. relationships really are a refiners fire, let me tell you. but there's no one else i'd like to turn the heat up with (that's what she said!). so here's some wisdom of mine. we are super far from being the perfect couple but we sure are perfect for each other (insert 'awwwhh' here).

laugh together- as often as you can! nothing bonds more then giggles +  learn to cook because take-out adds up. so do the lb's  a regular formal date night is a must- sorry boys, but sitting around in sweats watching tv is NOT a date + FHE might be awkward at first, but the spirit it brings into a home cannot be replaced. Don't forget about your friends- the newlywed glasses will eventually de-fog + speaking of de-fog, keep the pda to a minimum. no one likes to see you make out on their couch mid-conversation + make everyday special for your spouse by doing something unexpected + don't forget to get dressed! alot of newlyweds slum it in sweats and that's just not cute- nobody makes stretchy pants look sexy + learn to make and KEEP a budget + And my personal favorite, have regular "Husband Appreciate Nights"; just a special night with his favorite food/treats/movie/activity. Just a little reminder to him that you love him + you can never say 'i love you' too much
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Mike + Mo said...

Mel, you are wise beyond your years... er, something like that...

Cute post!

Sam and Caitlin Tappana said...

You make stretchy pants look sexy.

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